If you happen to own a vacation home or a beach house that can generate income during peak season, well lucky for you because it’s your chance to earn more money and promote your business at the same time. You have the option to advertise the business by yourself by answering queries or taking care of guests reservations or let a Travel PR agency take care of the job of promoting your business.
Marketing your travel business via social media can provide you great results by attracting more travellers or backpackers to inquire about the business. You can adjust the rate of your rental property depending on the season. Some vacation property owners can charge twice as much compared to their normal off season rates.
The following are some advantages of promoting your vacation property business through Facebook or Instagram:
1.)It is very cost efficient because you don’t need to pay for it. Setting up an Instagram or Facebook account will not cost you anything. You can even post photos in Pinterest or create your own personal blog promoting the tourist destinations within your area. It is important that you are able to sell the place by highlighting the amenities and the scenic views that should draw your visitors. The only time that you would need to shell out money is if you decide to get paid ads which are affordable.
2.) If you want to take your business to the next level then you have the option to hire the services of a social media marketing agency. They will take charge of handling your online business by creating effective online marketing strategies to create more followers and draw more clients. They will collaborate with you in creating marketing posts to entice more travellers to visit the page. Though these services comes with a certain fee it will be all worth it once you get an increase on your revenue.
3.) If you have a flair in writing you can create your own travel blogs and link it on your social media account. The same thing goes with uploading a couple of youtube videos promoting the best places to visit. This will work to your advantage because most clients are visual. They want to see things before they believe.
4.) You may want to create a video of your vacation property and show them what the place looks like and feel free to discuss rates and don’t forget to share your contact information as well. Potential visitors want to see what the vacation place looks like before making a commitment to book.